Agricompact Technologies GmbH - Energy & Technology, Germany, hay, forage, farm, farmers, horses, ruminants, dairy cows, dairy goats, sheep, milk, cheese
Agricompact Technologies GmbH - Energy & Technology, Germany, hay, forage, farm, farmers, horses, ruminants, dairy cows, dairy goats, sheep, milk, cheese
AgriCompact Technologies GmbH Efficient Hay Drying System Hay Dryers COMPACT
AgriCompact Technologies GmbH        Efficient Hay Drying System           Hay Dryers COMPACT     


HAY DRYERS COMPCAT received some Media Love - modular, polyvalent, durable, green haydrying projects! Follow us!

August 2020 - HARVEST EQUIPMENT, VERMONT, USA: Interview with Mateo Kehler, Jasper Hill Farm

"Dry hay is the foundation of cheesemaking milk!" - Mateo Kehler

Thank you for the awesome video, Harvest Equipment! 

You greatly contributed to the overwhelming #success of our two #AgriCompact #haydryers at our client's #JasperHillFarm ! 

#dryhay = TOP #cheese ! - 
Many greetings from Germany!

Best - 

Sabine & Marco
AgriCompact Technologies GmbH

#technology #agriculture #farms #rawmilk #cheesemakers #cow

JUNE 2018 - Cheese in Vermont: What they say about our client Cheesemaker Jasper Hill Farm - here: The Cheesemonger Invitational, NYC, USA #CMI2018

The Cheesemonger Invitational (CMI) 2018: We’re so excited to be welcoming back our friends Jasper Hill Farm as a #platinum host this summer. Jasper Hill Farm is where cheese dreams are made - their innovative affinage program helps local cheesemakers age their products to perfection. It’s also where wheels from Jasper Hill Creamery ripen – from six producers and six herds of cows come twelve cheeses you know, love, and look for again and again. These guys are true #rawmilkrockstars ? #cminyc


CULTURE MAGAZINE: THE WORD ON CHEESE - "Does Dry Hay Mean Safer Raw-Milk Cheese?               

September 22, 2017 - Molly McDonough


Mateo Kehler: "The microbial ecology of raw milk is the sum of the practices on a farm... Dry Hay is our not-so-secret ingredient and our commitment to deliciousness and food safety.... Its September and summer is finally here (record breaking heat wave happening in the NEK) and we are still haying...but this summer has been wet!! and cold and we couldn't have fed our cows this year without a Hay Dryer."

Photo Credit: Mateo Kehler/Jasper Hill Farm

Photo Credit: Jasper Hill Farm

2016 - AgriCompact Technologies received some Media Love

No more silage but 2 Years of #dryhay at Jasper Hill Farm, #Vermont - #USA
Interested in some media love Jasper Hill Farm and Hay Dryers Compact Dryers with #AgriCompact #haydryers received? Here you go - Have a good #Hay !


11th January 2016

>> Like many a tasting menu, The Monger’s Table begins with an amuse bouche, in this case a liquid one, a milk punch made with chamomile, sweet vermouth, and some hay from Vermont’s Jasper Hill Farm. “We went to Jasper Hill and sat on a hay bale inside a hay dryer just licking the air it smelled so good,” Freier recalled taking note that its fresh grass and hay that makes the creamery’s cheeses taste so good. <<

Read the whole article
by Chopsticks + Marrow World's Fare with Joe DiStefano - thank you!


16th March 2016

>> Jasper Hill Farm is a working dairy and creamery located in Greensboro, Vermont. The business also operates cheese aging cellars, a hay drying facility, a sister dairy, and a satellite creamery located in the Vermont Food Venture Center. Recently named one of Vermont’s Best Places to Work by Vermont Business Magazine. <<

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by Vermont Farm to Plate Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund - thank you!


26th July 2016

>>In fact, for all the romantic cheese talk that we do – describing flavor profiles, aromatic qualities, how luscious or come-hither a cheese is looking today, the number one component in good milk (and therefore good cheese) is GRASS. It might not be as sexy a topic of conversation, but many of our cheesemakers joke that they are grass farmers first and cheesemakers second.

Jasper Hill Farm is located in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, a notoriously rainy and unpredictable part of the state weather-wise… Making hay was always an issue, and with terroir being a core component of their cheesemaking mission, buying hay from elsewhere seemed incongruous with Jasper Hill’s ideals. Mateo Kehler and Andy Kehler, brothers and co-owners of the farm, decided to invest in a hay drying machine (the first of its kind in the United States!) and create the Eureka Cropping Center to make the haying process easier, faster, and less dependent upon the weather.

The hay dryer allows the team at Eureka to extract all moisture from the hay in just six hours, preserving the aroma, color, and nutrients of the hay. In addition to making hay, the Eureka Cropping Center was built to capture an immense amount of solar power, and now offsets nearly half of Jasper Hill Farm’s power usage. <<

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by Saxelby Cheesemongers - thank you!


29th July 2016

>> Collaborators and innovators - ... Last year, the farm built a hay dryer on farmland in East Craftsbury. The apparatus — as simple as it sounds — is the only one of its type in the country, according to Jasper Hill. (Hay dryers are found in cheesemaking regions of Europe.)

Hot air is blown into a room that holds 50 round bales of hay, each weighing about 650 pounds. The temperature in the room is about 105 degrees, the air blows into the bales from below by a 120-horse power fan.

The hay dryer operates day and night, seven days a week, during haying season. Bales move in and out every 12 hour or so, with a goal of attaining zero percent moisture. This dry hay, as opposed to haylage (fermented hay), is preferable feed for cheesemaking cows, Jasper Hill says. <<

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on btvfoodie by Sally Pollak - thank you!


18th August 2016

>> "It's an investment in quality," Andy Kehler said. "We're basically trying to manage microbial communities, and dry hay promotes a very distinct microbial community as compared to fermented feeds."

"It's available locally sometimes when you have a good year like this, but it's really hard to put up dry hay in a typical season here in the Northeast," Andy Kehler said. "When you're talking about feeding several hundred animals you're pretty much at the mercy of the market as far as quality is concerned. This is an investment in having more control over our supply chain."

"It's at zero percent," he said, digging down into the bale with his hand to show the grass was dried beneath the surface as well.
"They're eating gourmet and they love it," Coe said. <<

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on Burlington Free Press by Dan D'Ambrosio - thank you!


23rd August 2016

>> In 2015, Jasper Hill set up an AgriCompact Tecnologies GmbH hay-drying system at their new Eureka Cropping Center. This system allows them to use more local hay as feed, and improves the milk quality for their two herds of cows. Jasper Hill is also purchasing non-GMO grain rations to supplement their cows’ regionally-sourced, grass-based diet; thus allowing local farmers to transition to traditional alfalfa, clover and beans. These changes are so new that the impact that this will have on surrounding farms cannot yet be evaluated. One might expect that some part-time grain farmers will switch to organic to sell to Jasper Hill, and perhaps some community effort will lead to either shared rental time on the new hay dryer or the purchase of a second dryer by a cooperative or nonprofit organization. <<

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on AlterNet by Marilyn Borchardt - thank you!


29th August 2016 - on WCAX-TV 

"What does gourmet, award-winning cheese have to do with hay? A lot as Judy Simpon found out."

>> All the dry weather this summer is stunting hay growth in some areas, but Judy Simpson found a new facility that's helping produce hay no matter the weather.

"We have been able this summer to harvest as soon as 48 hours of mowing," said James Coe, who manages Andersonville Farm and the hay dryer.

Bales are loaded in with about 20 to 30 percent moisture content. They are placed on holes in the flooring. "We load the facility with 50 bales on each side. We close the doors -- it is a well insulated building -- and then we hit "on" to our hay dryer. We estimate the amount of time we believe it will take to fully dry it. We stand back and let it do it's work and we go back to the field and continue,"Coe said.

It takes anywhere from 8 to 16 hours to dry the bales to zero-percent moisture. Kehler says this year they will produce about 7,500 bales, which is more than enough to feed the cows for the year. <<

Watch the feature on
WCAX-TV by Judy Simpson - thank you!

2015 - AgriCompact Technologies received some Media Love...

No more silage but #dryhay at Jasper Hill Farm, #Vermont - #USA
Interested in some media love Jasper Hill Farm and Hay Dryers Compact with #AgriCompact #haydryers received? Here you go - Have a good #Hay! #cheese


06th June 2015

>> Our final stop of the day was at the brand-new Eureka hay drying facility, still under construction, which that very day had test-dried 50 700-lb. round bales of hay. We met there with Sabina and Marko of AgriCompact Technologies who designed the facility and Andy Kehler, co-owner of Cellars of Jasper Hill for whom the facility is being built. The facility has a cooling zone as well, where the bales sit over giant fans to prevent their fermentation, waiting to be placed in the heating zone. Jasper Hill expects to be able to put up 2,000 tons of dry hay this year to feed its herds.

This building is HUGE. I was unable ascertain its actual dimensions at “press time” (which actually does not exist), but it’s HUGE. >>

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by Vermont Food and Farm Education - thank you!


Aired 09th November 2015

Heritage RadioNetwork - Cutting the Curd - Episode 240 "Animal Feed: Why does it matter?"

>> Grass-fed milk. GMO grain. Silage. Dry Hay. These are terms about animal feed many cheese lovers have heard… but what do they really mean for cheese, animal welfare and the environment? On this episode of Cutting the Curd, host Greg Blais talks with Jasper Hill Farm’s Mateo Kehler about what they feed their cows throughout the year and the investments they’ve made in ensuring the health of their animals and the environment. <<

Heritage Radio Network Greg Blais interviews Mateo Kehler - Listen!


27th November 2015

>> Notably, Jasper Hill Farm just designed and implemented an innovative hay-drying system, Eureka Cropping Center, in order to localize sourcing and improve feed and milk quality for their two herds of cows. This structure, the only of its kind in the USA, boasts an 11,000 square food solar array, which is poised to offset up to half of Jasper Hill Farm's electricity usage. <<

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by GLOBE NEWSWIRE - thank you!

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